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Learn more about Magdalene Dessources-Osias who currently works as Assistant Program Manager in Woburn.

Tell us about yourself.

I am originally from Haiti. Prior to joining Advocates, I worked as a food service cashier and as a bank teller. One of my cousins is a social worker and she loved her work. I looked around and I started working at Advocates four years ago as a direct care worker. After a year, I was promoted to Assistant Program Director.

How did you keep the people you support engaged during the pandemic?

Before the pandemic, we would take the individuals we support on daily field trips and excursions throughout Woburn and the surrounding communities. When the pandemic hit, everything stopped. We put safety first but used it as an opportunity to define our roles and collaborate more than ever.

We looked for fun things to do inside. Over the past year we have run weekly yoga classes, hotly contested games of Bingo, and like everyone else, watched too much TV. Do-It-Yourself YouTube videos are some of the most popular programs.

What do you enjoy most about working at Advocates?

I love the diversity and the welcoming feel at Advocates. Management lets you know everything that is happening, and you get to meet with the most senior staff regularly. You always know you are an important part of the team. Advocates gives you room to grow and develop your skills.